Security at NetZero

    We take your account security as a NetZero member very seriously. Please remember that NetZero will never send you an unsolicited email asking you for your password, social security number, mother’s maiden name, or your driver’s license number.

    Account Security

    You may update your credit card information at any time by visiting, and clicking on the ‘Change Payment Information’ link on the left side of the page.

    Again, NetZero will never send unsolicited email asking for any of this secure information. If you ever receive email requesting this type of information, please forward the message with its full headers to

    To learn how to forward an email with full headers, please click here.

    Password Security

    You are responsible for the security of your password. You should never give your password to anyone you don’t already know and trust under any circumstances. No NetZero employee will ever ask you for your password online. If you receive a password request from someone posing as a NetZero employee, do not respond; instead, forward the message, with its full headers, to

    To learn how to forward an email with full headers, please click here.

    It is a good practice to keep changing the password at regular intervals in order to maintain account security. Passwords can be made more secure by choosing a good password.