Billing & Account
How do I sign-up for Family Pack?

How often will I be billed for Family Pack? Who will bill me for it? NetZero will bill you once per month on your billing date. Your billing date is the day of the month you originally signed up for NetZero service. Example #1: if you signed up for service on the 1st of the month, your billing date will be the 1st of each following month. If you are already an existing billable member of NetZero, your billing date will not change if you sign-up for NetZero Premium Content on another day. Example #2: if your billing date is already the 1st of each month and you sign up for NetZero on the 15th, you will see a prorated charge added to your bill for the 15th to the 1st so we can match up your NetZero Family Pack bill date to your existing bill date. 
What payment methods can I use to pay for Family Pack? You can pay for NetZero Family Pack using credit card, or electronic check. If you are already a NetZero billable member you can use your existing payment method with the exception of invoice members. Invoice members must provide another billing method for NetZero Family Pack.

How do I contact Customer Support? There are many ways for you to contact customer support. Click here for a complete list of support options.
