NetZero Hispeed Third Generation Dial Up
Surfing FastFastest Dial-up Surfing You Can Get
 NetZero HiSpeed is now faster than ever. In fact, with 3G technology, NetZero HiSpeed is the fastest surfing you can get without paying the high price for a broadband connection.
Netzero Instant OnNetZero Instant On!
 Access your email and favorite Web content INSTANTLY,
without waiting to connect.
Connect In SecondsGet Started in Minutes, Connect in Seconds
 Sign up today and start surfing faster in minutes, with NO additional equipment. Plus, NetZero HiSpeed connects you
to the Internet faster than ever before.

Pop Up Blocker

Pop-up ads are annoying and can slow down your surfing. Surf with less hassle using Pop-Up Blocker.

Spam & Virus Protection

with Spam & Virus Protection


Enjoy 2 GB of email storage - enough room to store thousands of emails, photos and file attachments. Plus get peace of mind knowing your email will be kept safe with built-in spam and virus protection. And with the easy-to-use Web interface, you can access your email from anywhere.


Much More...
NetZero HiSpeed comes bundled with all the great features of NetZero Platinum including unlimited surfing, search powered by Google Search, IM compatibility, and much more...