
    How can I tell if I am connected and online?

    When you successfully connect with the NetZero software, the following three things will happen:

    –A network icon will appear in the taskbar in the lower right-hand corner of your screen and the picture of the two little computers will start to blink. This means that you are online and communicating with our system.
    –Your default Web browser will open and load the My NetZero start page.

    –The ZeroPort or NetZero Platinum Companion will dock at the top or bottom of your screen.

    Member ID or Password Incorrect

    Connection Failure – The memberID or password you have entered is incorrect or problem connecting to the Internet.

    Important ! Be sure to enter your password all in lower case. If your password is not working, please check to see that your Caps Lock key is not active. Note: If you forgot your password, there is a Forgot my Password button on the Logon screen.

    The 691 or 1273 error can be caused by several factors. The following information should help you to identify the cause of the error and resolve this issue.
    A. Are you entering your Member ID and Password correctly?

    Ensure that you are entering your NetZero Member ID and Password correctly. Note that your Member ID is everything to the left of the @ symbol in your email address. For example, the Member ID for is bobjones.

    Be sure to enter your password all in lower case. If your password is not working, please check to see that your Caps Lock key is not active.

    Note: If you forgot your password, remember that there is a Forgot my Password button on the Welcome screen.

    B. Was your account successfully created?
    If your NetZero account was created, you should have seen the confirmation screen with your new account information. In addition, if you were ever able to successfully log in to your account, it should be valid.

    C. Do you have the software set to automatically remember your Password?

    Sometimes, the password entered into the NetZero software may be changed. This can happen if, for example, someone accidentally presses a key on the keyboard. If you are sure your password is correct, delete the password currently in the software and re-type it. If the password was accidentally changed, this will fix the error.

    D. Have you reset your password recently?

    If you have reset your password recently, make sure to enter the new password into the NetZero software, especially if you have it set to remember your password. If you are unsure which password the software remembers, clear the existing password, and enter your new password on the NetZero Log-on screen before attempting to connect. If you never reset your password, it should be the same one you used when signing up for a NetZero account. Remember to enter your password in all lower case letters.

    E. Is your access number valid?

    Note: If you are subscribed to NetZero’s Toll-Free service please skip to step F.

    To find available access numbers in your area, click here.


    Note: You are solely responsible for all telephone charges related to accessing our services. NetZero will not reimburse you for any such charges, including long distance or toll charges.

    F. Do you have the latest version of NetZero?

    If you do not have the latest version of NetZero which is 8.9.4, please click here to upgrade.

    G. Do you have the correct encryption settings?

    If you’re using Windows XP:

    –Double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.

    –Double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon.

    –Click once on the NetZero icon to highlight it.

    –From the File menu, select Properties.

    –Select the w Server Types tab.

    –Ensure that the option labeled Require encrypted password is NOT checked.

    –Click OK.

    –Click OK.

    Trouble Connecting

    Prior to contacting support, there are a number of additional things that you can check to verify that your modem is working properly.

    –Check for power to your modem: If you are using an external modem (one not installed inside of your computer), it is possible that the modem is either unplugged or not switched on. Several lights should appear on the front of your external modem if it is currently powered on.

    –Check that your phone line is plugged into the proper jack on your modem: Modems typically have two jacks — one to go to your wall jack, and one to plug in an extension telephone. These jacks are generally labeled “line” and “phone.” Make sure that the cord that goes to the wall is plugged into the modem jack labeled “line.”

    –Check that you have a dial tone: Plug a working extension phone into the jack on your modem labeled “phone” and lift the handset. If you do not hear a dial tone, your problem is likely one of the following:

      The jack at the wall is dead: Verify this by plugging the extension phone directly into the wall jack
      The phone cord between the wall and the modem is defective: Replace the phone cord with a cord that you know is working and recheck for a dial tone
      The cord from the wall is plugged into the wrong jack on the modem: On the modem, switch the jacks that the extension phone and the cord from the wall are plugged into, and recheck for a dial tone.
    Modem Information

    modem n. a communications device used to connect computers via telephone lines.

    Modem is an acronym for MOdulate-DEModulate. A modem is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over telephone lines.

    Computer information is stored digitally, whereas information transmitted over telephone lines is transmitted in the form of analog waves. A modem converts data from analog to digital and vice versa (modulating and demodulating), thus enabling two computers to communicate with each other over a phone line.

    NetZero supports 28.8K modems and higher, but we recommend at least a 56K modem using compression technology for the fastest experience while online.

    Init Strings

    Modems use a string of characters called initialization strings that relay a series of commands to activate the modem. Init strings help two modems talk to each other, somewhat like a translation program. You can relate this to the difference between American English and The King’s English dialects. For example, in the United States we call a large vehicle used to haul goods a “truck.” In England, it is called a “lorry.” If your modem and our modems are not speaking to each other in the same “dialect,” you will not achieve a good, fast connection.

    Please visit, a Web site that has initialization strings for most modem manufacturers and models:

    Common Connection Errors / Solutions

    Failed connecting to our server

    The Failed connecting to our server error shows up when your NetZero connection is not working properly, and it can have several causes. Here are some steps you can follow to try to prevent this error from appearing:

    A. Reboot your computer

    Most of the time the Failed connecting to our server error can be easily resolved by rebooting your computer. Simply shut down your computer then turn it on again.

    B. Adjust your Firewall settings

    In order to successfully connect to NetZero, you will need to change the Internet security setting of your firewall program to a setting that is compatible with any dial-up ISP such as NetZero, usually Medium.

    Occasionally, after the initial installation of the NetZero software, you may receive a notice that exec or ZCast is trying to logon to the Internet. If you see this message, please ensure that you click Yes to allow NetZero the software access to the Internet. If you don’t allow access, our software will be unable to function properly.

    C. Try a different access number and use three commas

    Note: If you are subscribed to NetZero’s Toll-Free service please do not try to change your access numbers. Instead, proceed directly to the end of this section to learn how to add the commas.
    Your connection may have been dropped due to technical difficulties with the access number you are using. Try connecting to NetZero again. If the problem persists, try using another access number in your area. For instructions on how to change your access number, please click here.

    You can also try entering three commas after the phone number, which in some cases solves the problem. Try the following steps:

    1. Double-click the NetZero icon on your desktop.
    2. On the Welcome screen, click the Settings button.
    3. The Welcome to NetZero Setup screen will appear. Click Locations.
    4. The Dialing Location screen will appear. Make sure your Dialing Location is selected and click Modify.
    5. The Set Up a Dialing Location screen will appear. Click Advanced.
    6. The Advanced Dialing screen will appear. Put three commas (,,,) in the Suffix section and click Continue.
    7. Click Continue again.
    8. Click Continue again.
    9. The confirmation screen will reflect your new suffix with the commas. Click Finish.

    Placing 3 commas after the phone number will pause your computer’s modem to wait for the signal (56K) coming from your access number’s modem. If some brands of modems do not receive the signal immediately, they will automatically disconnect or look for the next connection speed (33.6k, 28.8k, etc). Although your access number’s modem tries to connect at 56K, your computer’s modem may try to connect at 33.6k or lower, possibly resulting in no connection at all.

    D. Verify your modem settings

    If your modem is not configured correctly, you will experience problems connecting. To verify your modem settings, please follow the steps below.

    1. Click the Windows Start button, point to Settings and select Control Panel.
    2. Double-click the Modems icon.
    3. Click once on the modem that is installed to highlight it and click on the Properties button.
    4. Select the General tab and look for the Maximum Speed section. Change the settings to match your modem.

         A. If you have a 28.8 or 33.6 modem, select 38400.
         B. If you have a 56k or Flex modem, select 57600.
    5. Verify that the box for Only connect at this speed is NOT checked.
    6. Select the Connection tab.
    7. Under Call Preferences, ensure that the box marked Cancel the call if not connected within is unchecked. (Note: some modems may not allow you to change the call preferences.)
    8. Click OK then click Close to exit.
    9. Retry your NetZero connection.

    E. Remove the NetZero Dial-Up Networking connectoid

    If the steps above did not resolve the issue, please follow the steps below to remove the NetZero Dial-Up Networking connectoid. The connectoid will be recreated the next time you log on to NetZero.

    1. Click on the Windows Start button and select Programs.
    2. Select Accessories, then Communications.
    3. Select Dial-Up Networking.
    4. Click once on the NetZero icon to highlight it.
    5. From the File menu, select Delete.

    Try logging on to NetZero again.

    F. Windows 95 Users: Make sure the latest version of Dial-Up Networking is installed

    If you are running Windows 95, you may need to download the latest version of Microsoft Dial-Up Networking (version 1.4).

    G. Verify your Windows Network settings, adding components as needed

    If the problem persists, follow the steps below to verify your network settings.

    1. Click the Windows Start button, point to Settings and select Control Panel.
    2. Double-click the Network icon.
    3. Check to see if you have the following components:

         Client For Microsoft Networks
         TCP/IP or TCP/IP > Dial Up Adapter
         Dial-Up Adapter.

    Note: If you are on a Network or company LAN, contact your system administrator before making any network changes.

    If the components listed above are not present, then add the missing component(s).

    IMPORTANT! Only add a component if it is not already present. If the component is listed, you will not need to add it.

    To Add Client for Microsoft Networks:

    1. Click Add.
    2. Select Client.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Under Manufacturers, select Microsoft.
    5. Under Network Clients, select Client for Microsoft Networks.
    6. Click OK.

    To Add Dial-up Adapter:

    1. Click Add.
    2. Select Adapter.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Under Manufacturers, select Microsoft.
    5. Under Network Adapters, select Dial-Up Adapter.
    6. Click OK.

    To Add TCP/IP:

    1. Click Add
    2. Select Protocol.
    3. Click Add.
    4. Under Manufacturers, select Microsoft.
    5. Under Network Protocols, select TCP/IP.
    6. Click OK.

    Once you’ve added any necessary components, follow the steps below.

    1. Click on TCP/IP to highlight it and click Properties.
    2. Select the DNS Configuration tab and ensure that Disable DNS is checked.
    3. Select the WINS Configuration tab and make sure that Disable WINS Resolution is checked.
    4. Click OK.
    5. In the Primary Network Logon field, ensure that Client for Microsoft Networks is selected.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Click on Dial-up Adapter once to highlight it.
    8. Click Properties.
    9. Select the Advanced tab and click on Use IPX Header Compression to highlight it.
    10 Under the Value drop-down menu, select NO.
    11. Click OK and OK again.
    12. When you are prompted to restart you computer, click YES.

    Windows 98 Users:

    Check to see that Dial-Up Networking is installed on your computer by following these steps:

    1. On your desktop, double-click the My Computer icon .
    2. If you see a Dial-Up Networking icon, Dial-Up Networking is installed. Close My Computer and try logging on to NetZero again by double-clicking the NetZero icon on your Desktop.
    3. If you do not see a Dial-Up Networking icon, close My Computer, then click the Windows Start button, point to Settings and select Control Panel.
    4. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
    5. Select the Windows Setup tab, and double-click on Communications.
    6. Put a check in the box next to Dial-Up Networking, Hyperterminal and Phone Dialer.
    7. Click OK and click OK again to exit.
    8. Close the Control Panel and try logging on to NetZero again.

    H. Upgrade your modem drivers or enter an initialization string

    Modem drivers and initialization strings help your modem communicate properly with other modems, thus ensuring a more stable Internet connection. You can download modem drivers and obtain initialization strings for most modems at the following links:

    Once you have an initialization string for your modem, you can enter it in by following the steps below.

    1. Click the Windows Start button, and select Programs, Accessories, and Communications.
    2. Select Dial-Up Networking.
    3. Click once on the NetZero connectoid to highlight it.
    4. From the File menu, select Properties.
    5. Click Configure.
    6. Select the Connection tab.
    7. Click the Advanced button in the lower right corner.
    8. Type the initialization string in the Extra Settings textbox.
    9. Click OK, then click OK again.
    10. Close Dial-Up Networking and My Computer.
    11. Retry the NetZero connection.