ZeroPort / ZeroBar - Search / Browse Feature If you have signed up for NetZero Platinum service, click here for instructions using the NetZero Platinum Toolbar. On the ZeroPort, you will see the Search button. Clicking this button will automatically open a new browser window and allow you to use our powerful search function to find what you need.  You can also use the Search feature on the ZeroBar in your browser to perform a search. Just type your search keyword in the Search bar on the ZeroBar and click the Go Search! button. Your Web browser will automatically open the search results in a new browser window. To use the NetZero Search / Browse function on the ZeroBar: - Type in a general search keyword in the Search bar (For example: Music).
 - Click the Go Search! button on the ZeroBar.
- NetZero will automatically run a search and open your browser with the results.
Now all you have to do is click on the URL or hypertext link of your choice, and you will be taken directly to the Web site you selected.